Saturday, 5 June 2010

My list!

My list: I like lists; I'm good at lists; I have lists of lists and lists to suit every occasion; lists make me happy! I am a very sad person at times!!

So here we go:

2. Develop a wish list of features (and I don't just mean pubs enroute!)
- The walk needs to suit all abilities - from serious long distance people (who will do it over several days in one go) to those who like a good day walking out in the countryside (and then go home and have a bath, put their feet up, open a bottle of wine etc) to those who may only want to do 3 miles, find out something they didn't now about the area (and get kids/partner/aged parent off their backsides).
- The walk needs to have options to use public transport where possible.
- The walk needs to stick to the river whenever possible and stay within the confines of the Tyne Valley if not.
- Use river crossings as much as possible - bridges, tunnel, ferry?
- OK - it needs to pass a few decent pubs on the way!

3. Work out a route
- we can do that as we go along! - thanks Nigel, Steve and Maggie.

4. Walk it - thanks Nigel, Steve and Maggie.

5. Ask people nicely to give you lots of money for doing a walk with no name that doesn't exist.
That's not a problem - we have:
- a name
- a domain name - thanks Mark
- sort of a website - (ummm - more of this later)
- a logo - thanks Bryony
- official charitable status - thanks Breast Cancer Care
- a fund raising widget (or gadget if you are Google people) - thanks Just Giving.

So off we go!

PS - see what I mean about lists - they make life so much easier - now where is my master list......?

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